GI Jane Personal Training Services

Jane's Blog

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It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

I love that Staples commercial! “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” Dad is dancing kids are being dragged on the couch through the store..... ha ha ha They are going back! It is a time of renewal! September is like New Years. Now it is time for you. Kids are making plans.... have you? How many New Year's Eves have you spent sipping champagne and vowing to get more fit in the coming year? And how many times have you failed to follow through?

Fall, on the other hand, is a great time to start a fitness program because you're can create excellent habits for the holiday season and the upcoming winter months. With the change of seasons comes a renewed time to rethink and restart, so why wait until January?

Here are some ways to start making the most of the season. And who knows? This year, you might be in great shape before that New Year's Eve party rolls around.

Take advantage of the weather.

Fall can be a treat for the senses: the crisp air, apple picking, pumpkin carving, a gorgeous landscape of fall foliage, and the fun piles of leaves to fall in! These months are a great time to exercise outdoors and enjoy cooler temperatures.
Walking, hiking and cycling are all awesome in the fall. Discover how gorgeous our trails are and take in some new scenery, whether you're walking, biking, or in-line skating. It doesn't have to seem like exercise to be a great workout.
Raking leaves or doing some fall outdoor yard work is a great way to get the heart pumping, and its great calorie-burning.

Try Something NEW!

Always wanted to learn to tap dance? Attempt to kickbox? Try that zumba class? Ask any schoolchild: Fall is a great time to learn something new.

Many classes at gyms and elsewhere get started in the fall so look around and see if something intrigues you. And with the kids in school, parents have more time to check out those classes!

Fall is the perfect time to gain new physical skills, if you learn something new now, by next summer, you'll have mastered the skill -- and you'll burn more calories doing it, just in time for swimsuit season.

Start watching TV More actively! (WHAT GI JANE??)

Many people get geared up for fall premieres of their favorite television shows, If you're going to sit down and watch hours of TV, get moving, Make a date with exercise and TV.

While you watch, you can walk or run in place, do standing lunges, do tricep dips off the couch, or lift weights. During commercials, do push-ups or sit-ups. In a one-hour show, you probably have close to 20 minutes worth of commercial interruption.

Weave exercise into your life. You already know the obvious suggestions: park farther away from your destination; take stairs instead of elevators; take a walk during your lunch break. Here are a few more...

If you're spending the afternoon taking kids to soccer practice, instead of reading a book or visiting with another parent, why not walk around the outside of the field while they practice?

Or try walking meetings, go for a walk, brainstorm!

Find your motivation.

People are motivated by different things. It's important to first discover what your individual goals are, whether it's losing weight, strengthening and toning, or preparing for a race or event.

But goals aren't enough to get you there; you have to be motivated by the day-to-day workouts, he says. So choose something you'll enjoy doing and will be likely to keep up, whether it's walking or hiking with a friend, working with a trainer, or taking part in a class.

Creating a challenge for yourself will motivate you, as will encouragement and accountability. Remember too, that anything worth having takes work.

There is still time to register at for the fall line up!

Get out there and enjoy the “Most wonderful time of the year!”

Yours in health,

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