GI Jane Personal Training Services

Jane's Blog

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Up Close And Personal

This is personal. It's up close and real.  But is has a happy ending. A really happy ending. It is about esteem, stress, overtraining, failure, success, training, (meeting Carey Moran) a week in the hospital and a handful of friends and the most magnificent husband that allows me to follow my dream.

My fitness story began in 1991 when my mentor recognized my passion for fitness while I pursued my degree in Theatre arts. I developed a Thearobics Program to keep our department fit and agile. When I moved home from working at Disneyworld in 1995 a friend of mine said, “You are such a Y person, and there is an opening at the desk!” Needless to say over the next year I was full time at the desk and attending every fitness class! The head of the department said, “Why don't you just teach?” and I said... I can DO THAT ...So After courses...I TAUGHT! And years later and CLASSSSSSSES later, and departments later someone said, “Why don't you take over the department?” You can train trainers...and personal trainers......and I said “I CAN DO THAT... SO I TRAAAAINNNNEDDD... So many wonderful trainers in our community. Years pass........a wonderful husband ....a beautiful son.....and the countless amounts of friends I cannot even imagine. Years continue and obvious stresses of work go on, and then I had a very scary health scare that was earth shattering for a while, and made me realize how precious life was. I took a second look at myself, how I handled situations, how I let people handle me, and how I handled stress. It was unacceptable. I would not suffer this again.

Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.  ~Etty Hillesum

And all the while there was Stan. This beautiful human being who has been my biggest support system, EVER. At my wedding my best friend toasted Stan and said, “If Jane puts as much effort and love into your marriage as she does for her passion to the Y and people, you will have a long and prosperous marriage.”  Stan is cherished by so many, HE built my HOME, He is the amazing father if JACK, He is the Jedi Warrior, Camping King, wrestling master. Stan was there when they said “We think you have had a stroke”, and I thought he would die when I had to tell him the news. Stan was there when it was time to take the journey to move on from a long loved career and become independent. The HARDEST time of my life. 

You go through your life with a handful of friends and you keep them close. When Martina McBride songs I just Call You Mine was released I thought she had met Stan and wrote it about him.

I have been battered and bruised, pushed and shoved, knocked down and stood back up AS WE ALL HAVE, and I finally realized, I am a wonderfully sparkly person and I have the magic to do this on my own terms. I am a strong smart woman with gifts to give.

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.

To all of my KICX Friends out are sparkly beautiful people and I thank you so much for being a part of my amazing journey. I needed to take this blog to thank JACK AND CAREY for all of the amazing encouragement (Donuts and coffees) and love over the last couple years as I transitioned from “That fitness Nazi” into GI JANE. Visit anytime to my site for questions....I am always here! Jack and Carey are truly as sweet and fun in person as they seem on the air! (Bring them treats!) Not too many Egg McMuffins Though!

Yours in health,

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